SaSa Activation Model

SaSa Activation Model is based on a approach that broadens the participation of under-represented and under-served minorities in the STEM technical Workforce.

1. Equity & Access

• Airborne + Aircraft Instrumentation
• Ground and Satellite Remote Sensing

2. Mentoring

• Student Academic and Technical Skills Development
• Engagement with NASA and Academic Subject Matter Experts in Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, and En-gineering Projects as part Summer Airborne Field Campaigns

3. Professional Development

• Scientific Writing, Professional Presentations, and Guidance to Pursue Graduate Degrees and STEM Careers in Public and Private Sectors in Earth Science Fields

4. Education

• Geoscience Learning Ecosystem Integrates NASA Science to Classroom to Attract to Students to Become the Next Generation of NASA Workforce

5. Bridge Programs

• Access to NASA Student Internships
• Student Airborne Research Program
• NASA Pathways
• Fellowships and Internships Across Other Federal Programs

6. Outcomes

• Increase STEM Technical Workforce by Improving Scientific Literacy and Advancing National Educational Goals